Swing Amed is an organisation that sources the Swing-era legacy of so-called golden age of jazz music. After the first workshops held by Hakan Durak and Ilgın Nazlı Barutçu in Diyarbakir in October 2017, we continued our work with various activities until today.
As Swing Amed, we aim to create a social space for children, young people and adults of all socio-economic levels in Diyarbakir and surrounding provinces to strengthen intercultural learning. To create a platform where individuals and groups can express themselves freely and discuss social-cultural issues; supporting new social-cultural interactions and capacity development is one of our main goals.
In line with these goals and objectives, we organize various dance trainings for children, young and adults and carry out projects with local-national-international partnerships.
More Swing!
More happiness!
More hope!